
Getting Old

I almost titled this post “My Left Hip,” because, dang, my left hip is hurting today.

Oh, it’s been hurting for a while. I thought it had to do with my hip flexor, but when stretching and rest didn’t help, I got an x-ray.

The results came back and I had to look up half the terms — “diffuse osteopenia” — the predecessor to osteoporosis. At least it’s NOT osteoporosis, right? “Subchondral lucency in the left acetabulum” — this has something to do with osteoarthritis, I think?

In any event, I have to wait until mid-June to see someone in Orthopedics.

In the meantime, I keep moving. Sitting hurts. Standing up from sitting is THE WORST.

But standing and walking are fine. I actually feel better after a good walk.

So I tell myself throughout the day, “Get up and move.”

There are people in the “rest” camp. They say things like, “You must rest.”

Trust me, though — rest doesn’t help. Lying in bed — the ultimate rest, right? — can be painful. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and feel the pain radiating from my hip down my leg.

So I listen to my body and move as much as I can during the day.

Yesterday, however, I overdid. I won’t even tell you what I did, but it was strenuous and it was a mistake. My left hip is hurting today.

Seriously, who has time for this stuff?

Thank God for Advil.

This post was inspired by my left hip and Linda Hill’s “Stream of Consciousness Saturday” whose prompt today was “move.”

7 thoughts on “Getting Old

  1. I’m with you on that last line….I don’t know what I’d do without it! Hope you get some answers and relief soon, Sally! 💞

  2. l feel your pain, I get this too, and it feels improved when I walk ….. been told possibly arthritis… need an x-Ray, but I also have fibromyalgia so pain killers are a regular addition to getting older …. Yakes – but thankfully we can have them ….

    I hope it eases soon – hot water bottles help me…..

  3. Thank goodness for Advil! But now I am very curious about what you’ve been doing. Training for a marathon? Bungee jumping? Roller blading?

    Miss you. ❤️

    1. I am housesitting for a friend who was going away for two weeks. It’s the time of year when lawns need to be mowed every 4 or 5 days. His lawn is hilly and oddly-shaped so he uses a push mower — a non-selfpropelling push mower.
      You don’t have to mow the lawn, he told me when I asked about it.
      How hard can it be? I thought as I watched the grass growing taller and taller, and knew it really needed to be mowed.
      It turns out that it is VERY HARD — especially on an already-hurting hip.

      Miss you, too

  4. So know what you’re talking about, Sally. Arthritis is a drag and I am not a happy person tonight. I have a couple of links for chair yoga which I’m going to sift through to find something that works. Hope you start feeling better!

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