

When I first saw the Stream of Consciousness prompt for today — water — I immediately thought about a quote that I had jotted in my journal a few days ago.

“Let us bless the humility of water
Always willing to take the shape
Of whatever otherness holds it.”
John O’Donohue

He also blessed

“The buoyancy of water,
Stronger than the deadening,
Downward drag of gravity”

I’ve always been a water person. Being in or near water is a happy place for me.

When I don’t feel well, I take a bath. One of the times I was in labor, I sat in jacuzzi to relax and almost didn’t make it out in time. Aches and pains seem to diminish in the shower.

I love to swim — for the exercise, the mental health, the solitude, the refreshingness of it.

I love to sit in the presence of water and hear the gentle lap of lake waves or the bigger crashes and rhythm of ocean surf.

I love to stand on a bridge and watch the water rush, flow, trickle — whatever that day brings — underneath. I love to drop a stick or a leaf or a flower in on one side, then watch it emerge on the other. Sometimes the object gets caught in an eddy and swirls in circles for a bit before moving on or under or off to the side.

Water supports me and yet offers resistance when I exercise in it.

If I could sing the praises of water, I would, but it would be a poor song in comparison to the song water sings itself. Murmurs, gurgles, steady streams, rain drops on windows or the roof.

Even the smell of rain is a wonder.

2 thoughts on “Water

  1. Beautiful, Sally. 💞💞💞 I’m watching the rain coming down now, and frequently fall asleep to the sound of a gentle rain or a river flowing. I love to spend a morning kayaking across a glassy lake. 💞

  2. Sally- We have this in common. I have a strong connection with water. Anytime I am so overwhelmed and stressed, I drive out to our local lake and find a comfortable spot, take a few breaths, find my calm and allow the sound of the waves to flow over my heightened senses and grab hold of my stress and carry it off with the waves.

    Being next to the water, hearing it, seeing it, smelling it, is the most peaceful feeling to help alleviate my stress and help restore a state of calm.

    Beautifully written words. 💕🤗 Thank you for sharing.

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