family · photography

Before and After

Babies look like babies when they’re little.

It’s nice to see how they turn out.

Baby Philip

Philip and his great-grandmother
Philip and his great-grandmother

Adult Philip (with Amanda and Henry)

Amanda, Henry, and Phili
Amanda, Henry, and Philip

Baby Owen

Philip and Owen
Philip and Owen

Adult Owen (with Emily)

Emily and Owen
Emily and Owen

Baby Sam

Sam and Mom -- 1990
Sam and Mom — 1990

Adult Sam (with Donna)

Sam and Donna
Sam and Donna

Baby Helen

Mom and Helen
Mom and Helen

Adult Helenhelen2


Baby Karl

Baby Karl and Jacob
Baby Karl and “Fred”

Almost-adult Karldsc02391

Baby Mary

baby Mary
baby Mary

Teenage Marymary3

Baby Laurel

Laurel learning to sit alone
baby Laurel

Teenage Laurellaurel



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